Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa
  • Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa
  • Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa
  • Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa
  • Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa

Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho thunngoa ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa

Puhua® Large Steel Structures Abrasive Shot Blasting Room bakeng sa Rust Remove e sebelisoa haholo indastering ea kaho ea likepe, sesole le mechine ea boenjiniere, mechine ea petrochemical. E ka etsoa ho latela litlhoko tsa bareki.

Romela Lipatlisiso

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa
Qingdao Puhua Heavy Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd. ke Puhua® Large Steel Structures Abrasive Shot Blasting Room For Rust Tlosa bahlahisi le barekisi ba Chaena ba ka rekisang Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore e Hlahang ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa. Re ka fana ka litšebeletso tsa setsebi le theko e ntle bakeng sa hau. Haeba u thahasella Mehaho e Meholo ea Litšepe Kamore ea Abrasive Shot Blasting Bakeng sa Rust Tlosa lihlahisoa, ka kopo ikopanye le rona. Re latela boleng ba ho phomola re kholisehile hore theko ea letsoalo, tšebeletso e inehetseng.

1.Kenyelletso ea Puhua® Large Steel Structures Kamore ea Abrasive Shot Blasting bakeng sa Ho Tlosa Rust

Mehaho e Meholo ea Tšepe Kamore ea ho Thunya ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Remove e sebelisoa haholo indastering ea kaho ea likepe, sesoleng le metjhini ea boenjiniere, metjhini ea petrochemical. E ka etsoa ho latela litlhoko tsa bareki.
Kamore ea rona ea Lehlabathe / Kamore ea ho Thunya:
Sand Blasting Chamber/ Mehaho e Khōlō ea Litšepe Kamore ea Abrasive Shot bakeng sa Rust Tlosa e kenyelletsa likarolo tse peli, karolo ea pele ke tsamaiso ea ho qhomisa, e 'ngoe ke ho tsosolosa lisebelisoa tsa lehlabathe (ho kenyelletsa fatše ho khutlela lehlabatheng, ho arola likaroloana), karohano le tsamaiso ea ho senya. ( ho kenyeletsoa ho tloswa ha lerole ka phaposing e sa fellang le e tletseng). Flatcar e atisa ho sebelisoa e le mochine o tsamaisang likotoana tsa mosebetsi.
Sand Blasting Chamber e etselitsoe ho fana ka litlhoko tsa kalafo ea holim'a metsi bakeng sa likarolo tse kholo tsa meralo, likoloi, literaka tsa ho lahla le tse ling.
Ho phatloha ha sethunya ho tsamaisoa ka moea o hatelletsoeng, mecha ea phatlalatso ea abrasive e potlakisetsoa ho 50-60 m / s tšusumetso holim'a lisebelisoa tsa mosebetsi, ke mokhoa o sa amaneng le o sa silafatsang oa ho phekola holim'a metsi.
Melemo ke sebopeho se feto-fetohang, tlhokomelo e bonolo, matsete a fokolang a nako e le 'ngoe joalo-joalo, 'me kahoo a tumme haholo har'a bahlahisi ba likarolo tsa mohaho.
Likarolo tsa Bohlokoa tsa Mohaho oa Lehlabathe/ Leqhubu la ho Thunya:
Sand Blasting Chamber/ Mehaho e Khōlō ea Litšepe Kamore ea Abrasive Shot Blasting for Rust Remove e sebelisoa haholo indastering ea ho haha ​​likepe, sesole le mechine ea boenjiniere, mechine ea petrochemical, mechine ea hydraulic le mehaho ea borokho, literene le joalo-joalo 'me e loketse mohaho o moholo oa tšepe pele ho penta bokaholimo. ho phatloha ho hloekisitsoe le ho thunngoa kalafo ea peening .
ts'ebetso ea sandblasting e ka hloekisa ka botlalo bokaholimo ba sekhechana sa welding, mafome, ho theola, mafura, ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela holim'a metsi, ho fihlela sepheo sa nako e telele se khahlanong le kutu. Ho phaella moo, ho sebelisa thunngoa peening kalafo, e leng ka felisa mosebetsi sengoathoana holim khatello ea kelello le ho ntlafatsa matla.

2.Specification of Puhua® Large Steel Structures Kamore ea Abrasive Shot Blasting bakeng sa Rust Tlosa:

Max. Boholo ba mosebetsi (L*W*H)

12*5*3.5 m

Max. Boima ba mosebetsi

Max. 5 T

Boemo ba ho qetela

E ka finyella Sa2-2 .5 (GB8923-88)

Lebelo la ho sebetsa

30 m3/min ka lithunya tse thunyang

Bokhoakhoa ba bokaholimo

40~75 μ (Ho itshetlehile ka boholo ba abrasive)

Sisinya ho abrasive

Ho thunngoa ha tšepe ea tšepe, Φ0.5~1.5

Kamore ea ho qhomisa lehlabathe ka hare boholo (L*W*H)

15*8*6 m

Phepelo ea motlakase

380V, 3P, 50HZ kapa e hlophisitsoeng

Tlhokahalo ea mokoti

Ha e kenele metsi

Re ka rala le ho etsa mefuta eohle ea Mehaho e Meholo ea tšepe e sa tloaelehang Abrasive Shot Blasting Room bakeng sa Rust Tlosa ho latela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa bareki, boima le tlhahiso.

3.Details of Large Steel Structures Kamore ea Abrasive Shot Blasting bakeng sa Rust Tlosa:

Lits'oants'o tsena li tla u thusa hamolemo ho utloisisa Mehaho e Meholo ea Litšepe Kamore ea Abrasive Shot Blasting bakeng sa Ho Tlosa Rust.

4. Setifikeiti sa Mehaho e Meholo ea Litšepe Kamore ea Abrasive Shot Blasting bakeng sa Ho Tlosa Rust

Qingdao Puhua Heavy Industrial Group e thehiloe ka 2006, motse-moholo o ngolisitsoeng ho feta lidolara tse 8,500,000, sebaka sohle se ka bang lisekoere-mithara tse 50,000.
Khamphani ea rona e fetile CE, litifikeiti tsa ISO. Ka lebaka la boemo ba rona ba boemo bo holimo Large Steel Structures Abrasive Shot Blasting Room for Rust Remove, tšebeletso ea bareki le theko ea tlhōlisano, re fumane marang-rang a thekiso ea lefats'e a fihlang linaheng tse fetang 90 lik'honthinenteng tse hlano.

5.Deliver, Shipping And Serving

30% e le tefo ea pele, ho leka-lekana 70% pele ho pepa kapa L / C ha u bona.

6. Tšebeletso ea rona:

1.Tiisetso ea mochini selemo se le seng ntle le tšenyo ea ts'ebetso e fosahetseng ea motho e bakiloeng.
2.Fana ka litšoantšo tsa ho kenya, litšoantšo tsa meralo ea likoti, libuka tsa ts'ebetso, libuka tsa motlakase, libuka tsa tlhokomelo, litšoantšo tsa lithapo tsa motlakase, litifikeiti le manane a ho paka.
3.Re ka ea fekthering ea hau ho tataisa ho kenya le ho koetlisa lintho tsa hau.

Haeba u thahasella Mehaho e Meholo ea Steel Abrasive Shot Blasting Room bakeng sa Rust Tlosa, o amohelehile ho ikopanya le rona.

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Sehlopha se Amanang
Romela Lipatlisiso
Ka kopo Ikutloe u lokolohile ho fana ka potso ea hau ka foromo e ka tlase. Re tla u araba ka mor'a lihora tse 24.
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